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2015-02-17 来源: 今日悉尼 评论1条
Fujian FTA (Free Trade Zone) talents need

An international government-funded corporation is looking for multiple high-level management officers. The positions of this company provide competitive salaries and international organization management chances. 


1. The target talents: 

(1) The talent who worked as director, CTO or chief designer in the management organization of international famous free port, free trade area, and international travel island. 

(2) The talent who worked as director, chief expert, chief designer of integrated platform construction and management organizations for international trade, international finance, multi-country e-commerce, shipping logistics and etc. 

(3) The talent who worked as director, CTO of top 5 organizations of international trade, international finance, multi-country e-commerce, shipping logistics and etc.

(4) The talent who worked as CEO, chief expert of international financial organizations or CEO of international accounting firm.


2. Forms and positions:

The successful candidates will be worked as government employees, government distinguished experts, civil service employee in appointment or other forms. They will be arranged to work in commerce departments, Fuzhou, Xiamen, Pingtan relevant government departments and the state-owned (holdings) enterprises which are responsible for the construction of the comprehensive platform. Additionally, the people who worked as civil service employees or public institutions participate staff will be recruited and managed according to the civil service employee in appointment management trial approaches.

Appointment time is generally not less than one year, and working hours in Fujian is not less than six months of one year.


3. Remuneration
The treatment of full-time introduction will be negotiated face to face, and the employees will be provided with free accommodation during the working time in Fujian; the employees can enjoy the equal treatment of life as the other employees of the company; in terms of other aspects, such as the education of employees’ children, health care, the employees will enjoy the relevant treatment of the introduction of high-level talents in Fujian.

In addition, it is possible to introduce in cooperative manner, construct and operation technology business incubators, political research cooperation platform, and integrated platform for international trade, financial services, scientific research and design with the relevant agencies in Fujian in accordance with planned cooperation. At the same time, the employees will enjoy the relevant policy treatment of “The thirteen policy measures to optimize the talent environment of China (Fujian) freedom trade test area”.


Welcome any excellent candidate who is comply with the relevant qualifications to apply for the positions enthusiastically (the candidates who can speak Chinese will be considered with priority), and please provide resume and contact information.

关键词: 福建自贸区人才
今日评论 网友评论仅供其表达个人看法,并不表明网站立场。
土澳居民ZibUh 2015-07-04 回复

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