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2023-05-03 来源: 搜狐时尚 原文链接 评论0条

People are now increasingly aware of the danger of 'appearance anxiety' or being obsessed with one's looks. With the rise of social media, where everything is filtered and curated to showcase the best version of oneself, it's easy to fall into the trap of comparing oneself to others and feeling inadequate. 人们现在越来越意识到“外貌焦虑”或迷恋自己外貌的危险。随着社交媒体的兴起,一切都被过滤和策划,以展示最佳版本的自己,很容易陷入将自己与他人进行比较并感到有缺陷的陷阱。

This can lead to a constant need to change one's appearance or to seek external validation through likes and comments. 这可能会导致一个人不断需要改变自己的外表,或者通过点赞和评论来寻求外部的认可。

The negative effects of appearance anxiety are numerous. It can lead to low self-esteem, anxiety, and depression. It can also result in disordered eating, excessive exercise, and even plastic surgery. Moreover, it can perpetuate harmful societal standards of beauty, which can be exclusionary and harmful to people who don't fit those standards.外貌焦虑的负面影响数不胜数。它会导致自卑、焦虑和抑郁。它还会导致饮食紊乱,过度运动,甚至整形手术。此外,它可能会延续有害的社会审美标准,可能会对不符合这些标准的人造成排斥和伤害。

To combat appearance anxiety, it's essential to focus on self-acceptance and self-love. This means embracing one's unique qualities and not comparing oneself to others. It also means recognizing that beauty comes in all shapes, sizes, and colors.为了对抗外貌焦虑,重视自我接纳和自爱是很重要的。这意味着要接受自己独特的品质,不要拿自己和别人比较。这也意味着要认识到美有各种形状、大小和颜色。

Social media detoxes and limiting exposure to unrealistic beauty standards can also be helpful. 彻底断绝或限制与社交媒体接触,对摒除追求不切实际的美容标准也有帮助。

In conclusion, appearance anxiety can have severe consequences for mental health and well-being. It's crucial to prioritize self-acceptance and self-love over external validation and societal beauty standards.总之,外表焦虑会对心理健康和幸福产生严重的后果。将自我接纳和自爱置于外部认可和社会审美标准之上至关重要。


1. 什么是social media detox呢? 1. 什么是社交媒体排毒呢?

Social media detox refers to taking a break from social media platforms for a certain period of time. It involves consciously disconnecting from social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and so on, to reduce the amount of time spent on these platforms and to break the cycle of constant scrolling and comparing oneself to others.

社交媒体排毒是指在一段时间内远离社交媒体平台。它包括有意识地断开与 Facebook、Instagram、Twitter 等社交媒体网站的连接,以减少在这些平台上花费的时间,并打破不断滚动和与他人比较自己的循环。

A social media detox can take many different forms, depending on an individual's needs and preferences. Some people might choose to deactivate their accounts for a set amount of time, while others may limit their social media use to a certain amount of time per day.


Some people might even choose to delete social media apps from their phones altogether.


The benefits of a social media detox include reducing stress levels, improving sleep quality, and increasing mindfulness and productivity in daily life. It can also help individuals to reconnect with the present moment and to focus on more meaningful face-to-face interactions.


Overall, a social media detox can be a useful tool for combating appearance anxiety and improving mental health and well-being.


2. 什么是external validation呢? 2. 什么是外部验证呢?

External validation refers to seeking approval or recognition from others to feel good about oneself or to confirm one's worth. It means relying on external sources, such as other people's opinions, compliments, or likes on social media, to feel validated or accepted.


External validation can become problematic when it becomes a primary source of validation and self-worth. This is because it can lead to a constant need for validation from others and a tendency to base one's self-worth on others' opinions. This can be particularly damaging to one's mental health and self-esteem, as it can lead to a cycle of seeking external validation and feeling inadequate when it's not received.


In contrast, internal validation refers to recognizing and acknowledging one's own worth and value, independent of external factors. It means connecting with one's own emotions, thoughts, and values, and validating oneself from within.


While external validation can provide a temporary boost to one's self-esteem, it's essential to develop a stronger sense of internal validation to combat appearance anxiety and improve overall well-being. This means focusing on self-acceptance, self-compassion, and self-love, rather than seeking validation from external sources.



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